Album: 1/3 Scale Flintlock Naval Pistol

I'm making a 1/3 scale model of a Belgian naval flintlock pistol. I'm cutting the lock from 1/2" square CRS bar. The brass parts will also be cut from solid, all screws will be made from bar stock, and the springs will be forged from piano wire. At least, that's the plan.
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Flintlock: inside
I'm going to make a scale model of this lock. Actually, the whole pistol. It's probably Belgian, circa 1800.
Sun, Mar 5th 2006 (11:02 PM)
800x600 2592x1944

Flintlock: outside

Sun, Mar 5th 2006 (11:03 PM)
800x600 2592x1944 Cropped (114x144)

Turning the barrel

Tue, Mar 7th 2006 (7:27 PM)
800x600 2592x1944
Also in: Wil's Machine Shop

Drilling the barrel
I decided to use a twist drill to drill out the barrel. I was going to make a long D-bit, but decided the twist drill would be fine, since I'm not going to fire it, unless it wandered out the side of the barrel, which would have been bad, of course.
Tue, Mar 7th 2006 (7:59 PM)
800x600 2592x1944
Also in: Wil's Machine Shop

Turning the plug.

Tue, Mar 7th 2006 (9:05 PM)
800x600 2592x1944
Also in: Wil's Machine Shop

Tang/plug and barrel, next to the real thing
The original barrel looks to be cast and scraped. I can't tell the construction otherwise. I can see the outline of a plug, but I can't tell if it's cast in place or not.
Tue, Mar 7th 2006 (10:14 PM)
800x600 2592x1944
Also in: Wil's Machine Shop

Plug in the barrel

Tue, Mar 7th 2006 (10:16 PM)
800x600 2592x1944
Also in: Wil's Machine Shop

Lockplate blank
The real lock plate was forged. I'm going to cut/file mine out of a solid piece of 1/2" square steel rod. (Wish me luck!)
Wed, Mar 8th 2006 (9:21 AM)
800x600 2592x1944
Also in: Wil's Machine Shop

Nearly complete barrel
I just have to drill the touch hole and solder the fastener at the front.
Thu, Mar 9th 2006 (8:12 PM)
800x600 2592x1944
Also in: Wil's Machine Shop

Barrel fastener, before cutoff

Thu, Mar 9th 2006 (8:49 PM)
800x600 2592x1944
Also in: Wil's Machine Shop

Begginings of a lock plate

Thu, Mar 9th 2006 (10:16 PM)
800x600 2592x1944
Also in: Wil's Machine Shop

Looking into the pan from inside

Thu, Mar 9th 2006 (11:13 PM)
800x600 2592x1944
Also in: Wil's Machine Shop
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