Album: Sunsets &c.

This album is a collection of beautiful nature shots from afar. That's the best way I can think of describing it for now.
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Monterey Games
Carmel at sunset
Sat, Aug 4th 2001 (9:03 PM)
800x600 1600x1200

Clouds at UG's
Beautiful cloud patterns at Uncle Gerry's
Tue, Oct 30th 2001 (12:31 PM)
800x600 1600x1200

Clouds and Sheep at UG's
Rippled clouds and sheep at Uncle Gerry's
Tue, Oct 30th 2001 (12:31 PM)
800x600 1600x1200

Thanksgiving in New Mexico
Near Los Alamos
Sat, Nov 30th 2002 (12:05 PM)
800x600 1600x1200

Bleeding Sky
Smoke from a fire in Rancho Cucamonga turned the sky red at sunrise
Fri, Oct 24th 2003 (8:35 AM)
800x600 1600x1200

Sunset in Albuquerque

Fri, Jan 2nd 2004 (4:14 PM)
800x600 1600x1200

Sunset in Albuquerque

Fri, Jan 2nd 2004 (4:14 PM)
800x600 1600x1200

Sunset on Santorini
Sunset on Σαντορινη wall final candidate
Sat, Nov 5th 2005 (5:13 PM)
800x600 2592x1944

Santorini at night
After sunset on Santorini, I began experimenting with exposure to take more pictures in the twilight.
Sat, Nov 5th 2005 (6:05 PM)
800x600 2592x1944

Red sky

Sun, Sep 4th 2011 (7:20 PM)
640x425 4288x2848

Red sky

Sun, Sep 4th 2011 (7:20 PM)
640x425 4288x2848

Red sky

Sun, Sep 4th 2011 (7:20 PM)
640x425 4288x2848
19 images in album, page 1 of 2
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All photos © Wil Heitritter 2001-2025